一番大事なのは、経済学の費用は機会費用(opportunity cost. 生産に必要な財を当該生産の次に利益の大きな生産に用いた場合の利益の差)であるということでしょう。
もうひとつの重要な点は、経済学の費用は基本的に実質値(real value)で考えるべき、ということです。
名目値(nominal value)と実質値(real value)というのは、たとえばリンゴ1個200円、ミカン1個100円の経済で、リンゴの名目価格は200円ですが、実質価格はミカン2個、というようなイメージです。
John E. Kwoka, Jr. & Frederick R. Warren-Boulton, Efficiencies, Failing Firms, and Alternatives to Merger: A Policy Synthesis, 31 Antitrust Bull. 431 (1986)
To be given any weight in evaluating the competitive effects of a merger, cost savings must be (in economic terms) "real" rather than "pecuniary" and must be uniquely attributable to the merger in question. Since these conditions are generally understood, only a brief discussion on each is presented.
"Real" cost savings allow the firm to produce more or higher-quality output from the same amount of inputs, and may arise in a number of ways. For example, mergers may reduce transportation costs as the consolidated firm routes materials among geographically closer, but previously separate, plants. Similarly, a merger may permit plants of the two constituent firms each to rationalize their product mix and lengthen production runs. Resources may also be conserved through merger if superior managerial techniques or superior production techniques are transferred between the firms. Indeed, almost any nonproduction area-marketing, distribution, research, etc.-may achieve efficiencies. Conventional plant-level scale economies, however, are perhaps least likely to be improved by merger, since generally little can be done to merger production at existing, separate facilities.
By contrast, "pecuniary" cost savings are reductions in a firm's costs that do not represent real resource savings. Examples of a pecuniary cost saving would be tax gains from a merger or lower inframarginal input costs due simply to enhanced bargaining power against suppliers. Lower input costs can even be associated with reductions in social welfare if a merger creates or enhances monopsony power against competitive suppliers. In this case, reduced input purchases by the merged firm drive down input prices, but the reduction in input costs is not due to a reduction in the amount of inputs used to produce the same amount of output. Indeed, while profits increase as input purchases and prices fall, output falls and social welfare declines.
(引用部分の「pecuniary cost savings」というのが、名目値による費用削減を意味しています。)
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