« 転嫁・表示カルテルの届出と実行の時期 | トップページ | 『実務解説 消費税転嫁特別措置法』出版のお知らせ »

2013年10月 3日 (木)




"Federal Communications Commission

We regret the disruption, but during the Federal Government-wide shutdown, the FCC is limited to performing duties that are immediately necessary for the safety of life or the protection of property. FCC online systems will not be available until further notice.

If you need to contact the FCC to address an emergency situation, please call: (202) 418-1122 or email: FCCOPCenter@fcc.gov.

Telecommunications companies must continue to use the Network Outage Reporting System (NORS), which will remain available during the shutdown, to file reports of telecommunication service disruptions pursuant to Part 4 of the FCC's rules. NORS allows companies to file Notifications, Initial Reports and Final Reports. The information on service disruptions is essential to maintain and improve the reliability and security of the telecommunications infrastructure.

Vacancy announcements for positions that were open for receipt of applications have been closed and will re-open when the Government is operational.

During this time, the FCC is not accepting any deliveries of supplies, or services that have not been identified as necessary for the safety of life or the protection of property.

The Commission has issued a Public Notice concerning procedures for submissions that would be due to the FCC during the shutdown.

last reviewed/updated on 10/1/2013"


"Unfortunately, the Federal Trade Commission is closed due to the government shutdown.

The FTC Premerger Notification Office will be open to accept HSR filings.
Consumers may file FOlA requests, but they will not be processed.
Consumers cannot file complaints or register for Do Not Call.
All public workshops, roundtables, hearings and conferences are postponed until further notice.
We hope to be open soon. "




« 転嫁・表示カルテルの届出と実行の時期 | トップページ | 『実務解説 消費税転嫁特別措置法』出版のお知らせ »






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« 転嫁・表示カルテルの届出と実行の時期 | トップページ | 『実務解説 消費税転嫁特別措置法』出版のお知らせ »
